Neuro-Vision Rehabilitator

The NRV (Neuro-Vision Rehabilitator) addresses deficits in the visual processing skills necessary for information processing. These are commonly associated with acquired brain injury, balance disorders, and individuals who have problems “filtering” multi-sensory information. Children on the autism spectrum can also benefit from this interactive treatment program in the processing and integration of visual stimulation.

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The NVR Therapy Modules use Wii remotes and sensors, which provide real space interactive feedback, thus integrating vision, auditory, proprioception, balance, and visuomotor control. This allows control of the interaction of balance and head movement as well as binocular and stereo stimuli, thus providing the patient with motivating auditory and tactile feedback as they interact with the program.

Click here to read a review of the NRV published at the Journal of Behavioural Optometry.

Neuro Vision Rehabilitaror photo with text

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