Smart Vision’s Professional Network
Our Behavioural Optometrists and Vision Therapists maintain a close relationship with selected professionals in related areas including speech pathologists, occupational therapists, nutritionists, psychologists, chiropractors and physicians. They work with us on a referral and co-management basis to provide the highest level of health care for our patients and ensure they enjoy holistic health.
We are confident to refer our patients to the professionals listed below:

Move to Learn offers a fun, flexible movement program that addresses the underlying functional deficits that children with various learning difficulties & disabilities have shown. It helps to mature retained primitive reflexes and develop postural reflexes while also working on the vestibular and integrating left and right brain functions to create an effective foundation for academic learning. For more information, visit

MoveAbout Therapy Services is an occupational therapy clinic that also has speech therapy services located onsite, providing individual and group therapy services for children. Through empowering children and families, MoveAbout Therapy Services provides tools for living outside of the therapy environment. The team at MoveAbout uses developmental frameworks and techniques to support children to achieve success in activities of daily living and functional activities. Their clinicians have experience and training in Australia and the USA and continually aim to provide the best service based on the most current information. For more information, visit

The Sensory Gym is a unique paediatric occupational therapy clinic, providing services to families and children in the Sydney area but also the wider catchment areas of New South Wales and all of Australia. Treatment is designed to support children experiencing Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, disorders of attention (ADD and ADHD), motor coordination challenges, perceptual, motor, or attentional challenges associated with learning disabilities and regulatory disorders. For more information, visit

Essential Health Centre is a multidisciplinary clinic located in the heart of Thornleigh, offering chiropractic services. It helps everyone from newborns, to parents and grandparents alike. Some of the most common reasons for visiting Essential Health Centre may include posture, back pain, neck pain and headaches, balance and co-ordination issues, sports performance, injury management, pre-conceptive and pregnancy care. As chiropractors, they focus on the nerves within the body, which act as our power supply to the skin, the muscles and our organs. For more information, visit

Emma Goodsir is a Consultant Educational Psychologist with over 20 years’ experience in the assessment of children with learning difficulties, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorders. The purpose of assessment is to provide clear diagnosis and recommendations where possible. Emma regularly refers to other professionals for treatment, including Behavioural Optometrists, Speech Pathologists and Occupational Therapists. Emma also does the necessary cognitive testing required for entry into many gifted and talented classes. For a no obligation discussion regarding your child’s needs, call Emma on 9875 5150.

A child’s development is very important and ever evolving as they experience what life has to offer. The team at Neutral Bay Chiropractic Health and Wellbeing wants them to live up to their full potential and have a head start in life. Chiropractic care at an early age may help maintain good spinal and cranial balance to assist neurological functioning of the body. Techniques such as Retained Neonatal Reflexes, (RNR) Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) and Nutrition work focusing on gut health are used to assess all areas of your child’s life to help restore balance from within. For more information, visit

Rouse Hill Wellness Centre is a professional natural health centre located in North West Sydney. It offers a holistic and caring approach to health and development, specialising in both Naturopathy and Paediatric Chiropractic. They work closely with children and their parents to investigate and support any underlying imbalances that may affect concentration, learning difficulties, nervous system function, immune health, nutrition, digestive health and sleep patterns. Food sensitivities or nutritional deficiencies are also investigated as they can play a part in affecting a child’s health and development. For more information, visit
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