Less questions and more answers
The correct lenses can only be prescribed when you have enough information about your patients eyes. Let
i.profiler plus provide you with a detailed visual profile so you can have less questions and more answers for your patient.
ZEISS i.profiler plus is the 4-in-1 compact system with ocular wavefront aberrometer, autorefractometer, ATLAS corneal topographer and keratometer. The fully automated measurement procedure, with easy-to-use touch screen control, enables all measurements of both eyes in approximately 60 seconds. The eye’s refractive power distribution is analyzed and represented across the entire pupil aperture. This is what distinguishes ZEISS i.Profiler plus from conventional
autorefractors and what opens the gate to ZEISS lenses with i.Scription technology.

The wavefront is sampled at up 1,500 to points across
7 millimetre pupil aperture