Understanding Myopia Control | Smart Vision Optometry

Insights from Smart Vision Behavioural Optometrists on Myopia Management  

Despite significant advances in myopia control, many still perceive short-sightedness as an unavoidable condition. Gary Rodney, founder of Smart Vision Optometry in Sydney, and Jacquie Gattegno, principal senior Smart Vision behavioural optometrist at Eyes InDesign Smart Vision Optometry Bondi, emphasise the importance of understanding myopia and its management, especially in children. “Many people think you’re either short-sighted or you’re not, and they believe the progression of myopia is inevitable,” says Rodney. Gattegno adds, “With modern lifestyles increasing the incidence of myopia, it’s crucial to understand its causes and treatments, which are better understood now than ever before.”

Myopia is More Than Just a Refractive Error  

The increasing prevalence of myopia underscores that it is not merely a refractive error that can be fixed with glasses. Myopia is a lifestyle problem with genetic roots and is linked to severe eye conditions, including glaucoma, retinal detachment, and an increased risk of blindness.

“Digital screens are often blamed for the rise in myopia, but the increase was noticed in Asia long before screens became ubiquitous,” notes Rodney. “Near work and lack of time spent outdoors in natural daylight are lifestyle changes affecting children’s eyesight,” adds Gattegno. “Today, near work often involves screen time, but even long hours of study without a computer can have a similar effect.”

The Role of Genetics and Environment in Myopia  

While lifestyle factors like prolonged near work and insufficient outdoor time contribute to myopia, genetics also play a crucial role. “Genetics still influence myopia, but environmental factors can affect the expression of these genes,” says Rodney. “Ignoring the adverse effects of near work and the absence of beneficial outdoor time can exacerbate myopia, especially in children predisposed to the condition,” Gattegno concurs.

How Optometrists Slow the Progression of Myopia  

Myopia usually manifests in children, and the younger they are when it begins, the faster it progresses. The condition typically stabilises around the age of 20 to 25, but some individuals continue to experience worsening myopia into adulthood, leading to elongation and stretching of the eyeball and damage to the retina.

“The logic behind myopia control is straightforward,” says Rodney. “If we can slow or stop the progression of myopia in children, they should have better vision as adults.” As a result, children are the primary focus of myopia control interventions. “Early intervention is key to preventing severe vision problems later in life,” adds Gattegno.

Effective Myopia Control Methods  

Various treatments have been tested in clinical trials, with varying levels of success. Rodney explains that early misconceptions led to ineffective treatments. “At one time, it was believed that providing corrective eyewear to help myopic children see properly was part of the problem. A trial where children were prescribed eyewear that wasn’t strong enough proved that forcing kids to struggle with their eyesight wasn’t a solution. We now know that under-correcting the prescription or prescribing single-focus distance glasses or contact lenses can worsen myopia.”

Orthokeratology is a Proven Method for Myopia Control  

Smart Vision Optometry are practitioners of orthokeratology, Gary Rodney uses orthokeratology to combat myopia in children at his Eyes InDesign Smart Vision Optometry Mosman practice. “Orthokeratology involves wearing special contact lenses that reshape the cornea overnight. In the morning, the lenses are removed, and no glasses are needed. This method is highly effective in controlling myopia,” says Rodney.

Orthokeratology offers several benefits, including freedom from daytime glasses or contact lenses, which can enhance a child’s quality of life and participation in various activities. Additionally, this treatment helps manage the progression of myopia, leading to better long-term eye health.

“At Eyes InDesign Smart Vision Optometry Bondi, we see great success with orthokeratology,” Gattegno adds. “Parents are often amazed at the difference it makes in their children’s vision and overall well-being.”

Encouraging Outdoor Play to Combat Myopia  

Rodney also promotes increased outdoor playtime as part of myopia control. “There are various theories about why playing outdoors in natural light slows the development and progression of myopia. Regardless of the exact mechanism, we know that outdoor play makes a significant difference and is highly recommended,” he says.

Gattegno agrees, “Encouraging children to spend more time outdoors is one of the simplest and most effective ways to combat myopia. It’s a natural and enjoyable way to protect their vision.”

The Ultimate Goal is Preventing Blindness  

“The ultimate goal for any optometrist is the prevention of blindness,” says Rodney. “While it may be difficult to measure how many of today’s children are saved from blindness through myopia control interventions, it’s a calling that can change lives. At Smart Vision Optometry, we are passionate about making a difference.”

Gattegno adds, “With more than 30 years of experience, I’ve seen firsthand how early intervention and proper management can drastically improve a child’s vision and quality of life. It’s incredibly rewarding to be a part of that journey.”

Comprehensive Eye Care at Smart Vision Optometry  

For more information on myopia and Smart Vision’s approach to myopia management, or to book an appointment, visit Smart Vision Optometry’s website. For specific information about myopia treatment and prevention, visit Myopia Prevention, and for detailed information about orthokeratology, visit Orthokeratology in Sydney.

To book an appointment for a comprehensive vision skills assessment, call the Bondi clinic on (02) 9365 5047 or the Mosman clinic on (02) 9969 1600.

By understanding and addressing myopia early, parents can help their children maintain better vision throughout their lives. Contact Smart Vision Optometry today to learn more about myopia control and ensure your child’s vision remains in top condition.

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