Mosman Optometrist Highlights Key Eyesight Improvement Methods For Patients
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Mosman Optometrist Highlights Key Eyesight Improvement Methods For Patients

Many conditions that cause vision loss have various causes, requiring differing interventions to prevent or cure. Some of these conditions include diabetes, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration. Gary Rodney, the Founder of Smart Vision Optometry and a leading Smart Vision Optometrist at Eyes InDesign Mosman, says there are many ways that we can improve our eyesight through behavioural modification.

Does Irlen Syndrome Vision Treatment Need Some Filtering?
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Does Irlen Syndrome Vision Treatment Need Some Filtering?

Does Irlen Syndrome Vision Treatment Need Some Filtering? Statistics show that one out of two children and adults around the world with learning and perceptual problems are being diagnosed with Irlen Syndrome and treated accordingly. But researchers and leading behavioural optometrists like Australian expert Gary Rodney are now questioning whether these statistics paint the true…

choosing childrens eyewear annalises story
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Choosing Children’s Eyewear: Annalise’s Story

As if the day to day trials and tribulations of parenthood aren’t challenge enough, let’s add another into the mix – choosing glasses for your child AND getting he or she to want to wear them.  Children’s Eyewear Choices: Annalise’s Experience With technological advances, there are now more choices than ever before for children’s eyewear…

woman comparing glasses

Are all glasses created equal…?

This is a really good question, to which I’m sure you already know the answer, but have you ever wondered exactly why chain stores seem to be able to offer such seemingly cheap glasses? ARE ALL GLASSES CREATED EQUAL…? No! Let’s ignore the fact that often the advertised price isn’t actually what you end up…

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