Behavioural Optometrist Bondi Sydney Eye Health Care Clinic Vision Test Therapy

Why Maintaining Good Eye Health is Vital

Studies have shown that for most of those with poor eye health, eye impairments, and vision loss, the consequences are likely to go way beyond seeing objects as doubled, distorted or a blur, and into the arena of quality of life, which involves functioning and convenience and emotional well-being. And, according to Australian behavioural optometrist…

Behavioural Optometrist Eye Test Vision Therapy Myopia Treatment in Bondi Sydney

How Vision Problems Can Affect Driving

With an Italian study finding that 60% of car accidents could be linked to vision problems, it is vital that people don’t rely solely on their car’s condition to keep them safe on the road, but also make sure that their vision is capable of meeting the demands placed on it, according to Australian behavioural…