Behavioural Optometrist Mosman Children Eye Care Clinic Vision Therapy Treatment

Vision Problems and Dyslexia

Children with dyslexia and those with vision impairments appear to have a lot in common. Both groups find it difficult to learn motor skills, and although taught how to read and write, they struggle to grasp, apply, or even understand those skills, and therefore struggle to read, learn and perform well at school, as well…

Does Irlen Syndrome Vision Treatment Need Some Filtering?
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Does Irlen Syndrome Vision Treatment Need Some Filtering?

Does Irlen Syndrome Vision Treatment Need Some Filtering? Statistics show that one out of two children and adults around the world with learning and perceptual problems are being diagnosed with Irlen Syndrome and treated accordingly. But researchers and leading behavioural optometrists like Australian expert Gary Rodney are now questioning whether these statistics paint the true…


DYSLEXIA: How Much is Related to the Eyes?

There is an astounding amount of research showing coincidence of learning difficulties and dyslexia, and vision symptoms and problems. DYSLEXIA We see vision as different to sight. It is the bit that happens in the brain after the eyes have seen the stimuli; the process that allows us to perceive, process and comprehend. Dyslexia is a…

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