Modern Schooling Could be Shortening Vision

Modern Schooling Could be Shortening Vision

Along with the changes in lifestyles and technology in the past couple of decades, came similar changes in classrooms, teaching, the way in which information is provided and received, and the environment in which it is delivered. Technology and screens have become a big part of teaching, providing fast and easy access to information, and…

Dietary Recommendations for Better Eye Health

Dietary Recommendations for Better Eye Health

It’s often said that people eat with their eyes, but no matter how tempting attractively presented meals are, they are not necessarily good for the eyes’ health. Eye scientists, researchers and doctors are increasingly calling for them to eat for the eyes rather than with them, says Gary Rodney, fellow of the International Academy of…

New Aussie Tech Development Could Help Give Sight to the Blind

New Aussie Tech Development Could Help Give Sight to the Blind

Making use of their own bionic vision technology and neurobionic capabilities, Monash University researchers in Melbourne, Australia, have found a way that may totally change the lives, and the world view, of millions of people currently living without sight. To bring these people back from the darkness towards the light, they’ve developed a cortical vision…

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