Myopia Control: What it is and Why it’s More Important Than Ever

Myopia Control: What it is and Why it’s More Important Than Ever

Despite advances in myopia control, most people still think that short-sightedness is just something that happens. “Most people think that you’re either short-sighted or you’re not,” says Gary Rodney, an internationally-recognised Fellow of the Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control based in Sydney. “They also see the progression of myopia as being inevitable, but that’s…

How “Training for Eyes” Improves Sporting Performance

How “Training for Eyes” Improves Sporting Performance

Sportspeople are always very focused on their training, and many professional and amateur athletes have come to appreciate the fact that training their eyes can improve their overall performance. The benefits of enhancing visual performance in sports are widely recognised. There’s even an International Sports Vision Association (ISVA). Australian behavioural optometrist and Fellow of the…

Why Maintaining Good Eye Health is Vital

Why Maintaining Good Eye Health is Vital

Studies have shown that for most of those with poor eye health, eye impairments, and vision loss, the consequences are likely to go way beyond seeing objects as doubled, distorted or a blur, and into the arena of quality of life, which involves functioning and convenience and emotional well-being. And, according to Australian behavioural optometrist…

Behavioural Optometry and How it Saves Vision

Behavioural Optometry and How it Saves Vision

Behavioural optometry looks at the bigger picture when it comes to vision. Rather than purely checking the clarity of sight it revolves around how effective that sight is in terms of its functionality, usefulness, relevance, and accuracy.  Australian behavioural optometrist, Jacqueline Gattegno, says all of these are revealed in the way people (and children in particular)…

Vision Misalignment and Anxiety an Unhealthy Partnership

Vision Misalignment and Anxiety an Unhealthy Partnership

A good deal of mystery still revolves around the link between vision misalignment and anxiety problems, but what is clear is that there is one, and it’s not a healthy relationship for either of them, according to Australian behavioural optometrist Jacqueline Gattegno. She says while these problems are very different, they are similar in how…

Functional Vision and Why it is Important

Functional Vision and Why it is Important

Nothing functions properly if those operating it don’t know how to apply and use it. That applies to technology, equipment or appliances, which can easily be seen, but require active input in order to work. But it also applies to functional vision which is the ability to physically and mentally react to what’s seen, according…

How Vision Differs Between Eye, Mind, and Brain

How Vision Differs Between Eye, Mind, and Brain

It’s not just the eyes people see in the mirror that determine how people see and understand what they look at. Two other “Eye” systems, the powerful and analytic Brain’s Eye and the imaginative Mind’s Eye also play large roles in the extremely complex visual system. Each deals with sight and vision differently and all…

What Can Cause Sudden Blurry Vision

What Can Cause Sudden Blurry Vision

When vision suddenly becomes blurred in one eye, or in both, it’s important to find out why as soon as possible. And in some cases, seeing an eye doctor should be immediate to avoid serious eye problems, according to Australian behavioural optometrist Jacqueline Gattegno of Smart Vision Optometry. She says that although there are a…

How Vision Problems Can Affect Driving

How Vision Problems Can Affect Driving

With an Italian study finding that 60% of car accidents could be linked to vision problems, it is vital that people don’t rely solely on their car’s condition to keep them safe on the road, but also make sure that their vision is capable of meeting the demands placed on it, according to Australian behavioural…

Statistics Tell Horror Story About Vision Problems

Statistics Tell Horror Story About Vision Problems

Statistics gathered by surveys, studies and research into visual impairment paint a dismal picture of a world where one out of three people are not seeing clearly, according to Gary Rodney, Australian Behavioural Optometrist, Master of Optometry and Fellow of the International Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control (FIAOMC). And he says the worst of…

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