A Comprehensive Approach to Vision  
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A Comprehensive Approach to Vision  

Seeing Beyond 20/20 Clarity   Most people view optometry as a straightforward field: testing eyesight, prescribing glasses, and checking for eye diseases like glaucoma or cataracts. However, vision is more than the ability to see clearly or the absence of eye health problems. “Smart Vision behavioural optometry takes a more holistic view of vision,” explains Jacqueline…

How Behavioural Optometrists Transform Children’s Lives
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How Behavioural Optometrists Transform Children’s Lives  

Developing Skills for a Brighter Future   When we think about vision, we often stop at clarity—whether a child can see clearly or needs glasses. However, vision is a complex process that relies on a range of skills to interpret, recall, and act on what the eyes see. If these visual skills are underdeveloped, children can…

Detecting Children's Visual Issues With Mosman Behavioural Optometrist
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Detecting Children’s Visual Issues With Mosman Behavioural Optometrist

Australian behavioural optometrist Gary Rodney, fellow of the International Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control (FIAOMC), whose Smart Vision Optometry has a special interest in this area, says that many parents are at a loss when it comes to assisting their children with their eyesight or vision, and just as many are overlooking the symptoms of potential vision disorders.

Bondi Behavioural Optometrist Informs Parents On Child Vision Development
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Bondi Behavioural Optometrist Informs Parents On Child Vision Development

We all know that a child’s development can vary immensely from child to child. It is perhaps not as well known that a child’s vision also develops over time and can also vary from child to child.

Jacqueline Gattegno, a leading Smart Vision Optometrist at Eyes InDesign Bondi, explains the relationship between vision and learning; and why it is so important for parents to understand the difference between sight and vision.

Established Bondi Optometrist Discusses Healthy Meals For Children's Eye Health
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Established Bondi Optometrist Discusses Healthy Meals For Children’s Eye Health

Jacqueline Gattegno, a Smart Vision Optometrist at Eyes InDesign Bondi, explains the importance of healthy food to maintain eye health. “Try adding some eye-friendly food to your diet, it can help improve vision and ward off diseases. While it’s important to nourish the body, adding certain nutrients can improve vision, especially in children. A well-balanced diet can help children develop vital learning skills and prevent vision loss,” Jacquie suggests.

Mosman Sydney Children Optometrist Eye Care Clinic Myopia Treatment Prevention

Modern Schooling Could be Shortening Vision

Along with the changes in lifestyles and technology in the past couple of decades, came similar changes in classrooms, teaching, the way in which information is provided and received, and the environment in which it is delivered. Technology and screens have become a big part of teaching, providing fast and easy access to information, and…

Behavioural Optometrist Bondi Children Eye Care Clinic Vision Therapy Treatment

The Importance of Vision Skills for Learning

When children go to school for the first time, and every year from then on, a lot of attention is paid to providing them with the right workbooks and other tools considered necessary for learning. But one set of tools, the vision skills necessary for successful learning, is often overlooked in the process, according to…

Bondi Eye Care Treatment Clinic Sydney Prevention Children Myopia Vision Problem

Vision Problems: The Biggest Challenge to Learning

Is The Classroom Is A Breading Ground For Myopia? Statistics show that between 5 to 10 percent of preschoolers, and as many as 25% at grade school, have vision problems caused by refractive errors like myopia (shortsightedness), and a host of other eye disorders. All of these can result in learning difficulties, affect social interactions, and stunt motor…

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