"Smart Kids Wear Glasses" the Grain of Truth Behind the Myth

"Smart Kids Wear Glasses" the Grain of Truth Behind the Myth

Most stereotypes are based on prejudice, but occasionally, one pops up that’s based on fact – even if only remotely. “Smart kids wear glasses” could be among them, at least up to a point. Australian behavioural optometrist Jacqueline Gattegno sheds light on what is known regarding the intriguing link between myopia and IQ.

Yes, Shortsighted People Can Play Sport

Yes, Shortsighted People Can Play Sport

With 32 percent of the world’s population living with myopia, it’s not surprising that there are short-sighted people in all walks of life. But it may surprise some folks to know just how many of them are top athletes. After all, the image of a glasses-wearing sportsperson is something that isn’t exactly mainstream. However, there’s…

Myopia Control: What it is and Why it’s More Important Than Ever

Myopia Control: What it is and Why it’s More Important Than Ever

Despite advances in myopia control, most people still think that short-sightedness is just something that happens. “Most people think that you’re either short-sighted or you’re not,” says Gary Rodney, an internationally-recognised Fellow of the Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control based in Sydney. “They also see the progression of myopia as being inevitable, but that’s…

How Other Senses Play a Role in Perceptual Vision

How Other Senses Play a Role in Perceptual Vision

Eyes are considered the primary sense because they gather 80% of the information necessary for enabling people to see the world around them. But the other senses, hearing, touch, taste and smell, are not just hangers on that add some colour to a dull picture. They are valuable parts of the team that add perception…

Fixing Vision While Sleeping: Who it’s For and How it Works

Fixing Vision While Sleeping: Who it’s For and How it Works

It’s called Orthokeratology, and it involves using contact lenses. But instead of someone wearing contacts by day, says Sydney behavioural optometrist and fellow of the International Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control (FIAOMC), Gary Rodney, they will be wearing them while they sleep.  Orthokeratology, or Ortho-K, is designed to guide the eyeball into its optimal…

New Hope for Myopia Management and Treatment

New Hope for Myopia Management and Treatment

A recent growth in the focus on awareness and management of Myopia (shortsightedness) and a new emphasis and direction in terms of treatments evidenced in new studies and developments, seems to have resulted in a new approach to the ever-growing threat to the world provided by this multi-levelled refractive error. And to myopia expert and…

The Relationship Between Glaucoma and Poor Sleep

The Relationship Between Glaucoma and Poor Sleep

Sleep, and plenty of it, is usually recommended as one of the top ways to help the body and our eyes recover from illnesses and other setbacks.  But it’s not necessarily the right answer for glaucoma, an eye condition which moves from affecting peripheral vision only, to ultimately destroying the ability to see, says Gary…

Modern Schooling Could be Shortening Vision

Modern Schooling Could be Shortening Vision

Along with the changes in lifestyles and technology in the past couple of decades, came similar changes in classrooms, teaching, the way in which information is provided and received, and the environment in which it is delivered. Technology and screens have become a big part of teaching, providing fast and easy access to information, and…

Rise in High Stress Levels is Impacting on Vision

Rise in High Stress Levels is Impacting on Vision

Since 2000 global stress levels have soared to a point where in some countries it affects close to 60% of the population. The WHO labeled it as the epidemic of the 21st century, way before the COVID-19 pandemic sent it spiraling even higher, and studies show stress could be responsible for 95% of visits to…

Dietary Recommendations for Better Eye Health

Dietary Recommendations for Better Eye Health

It’s often said that people eat with their eyes, but no matter how tempting attractively presented meals are, they are not necessarily good for the eyes’ health. Eye scientists, researchers and doctors are increasingly calling for them to eat for the eyes rather than with them, says Gary Rodney, fellow of the International Academy of…

How Vision Problems Can Affect Driving

How Vision Problems Can Affect Driving

With an Italian study finding that 60% of car accidents could be linked to vision problems, it is vital that people don’t rely solely on their car’s condition to keep them safe on the road, but also make sure that their vision is capable of meeting the demands placed on it, according to Australian behavioural…

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