Fixing Vision While Sleeping | Smart Vision Optometry
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Fixing Vision While Sleeping

The Magic of Orthokeratology   It’s called Orthokeratology, or Ortho-K, and it involves using contact lenses. But instead of wearing contacts by day, explains Gary Rodney, founder of Smart Vision Optometry in Sydney and Fellow of the International Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control (FIAOMC), they are worn while you sleep. Orthokeratology is designed to guide…

Understanding Myopia Control | Smart Vision Optometry
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Understanding Myopia Control

Insights from Smart Vision Behavioural Optometrists on Myopia Management   Despite significant advances in myopia control, many still perceive short-sightedness as an unavoidable condition. Gary Rodney, founder of Smart Vision Optometry in Sydney, and Jacquie Gattegno, principal senior Smart Vision behavioural optometrist at Eyes InDesign Smart Vision Optometry Bondi, emphasise the importance of understanding myopia and…

When to Schedule Your Child’s First Eye Exam | Smart Vision Optometry
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When to Schedule Your Child’s First Eye Exam

Early Eye Examinations are a Crucial Step for Children’s Vision Health   Beyond routine paediatric screenings, many parents are uncertain about when to schedule their child’s first eye exam. Gary Rodney, founder of Smart Vision Optometry in Sydney and Fellow of the International Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control (FIAOMC), and Jacquie Gattegno, principal senior optometrist…

Myopia Control Prevention Mosman Sydney Behavioural Optometrist Vision Therapy

Myopia Control: What it is and Why it’s More Important Than Ever

Nearsightedness Explained Despite advances in myopia control, most people still think that short-sightedness is just something that happens. “Most people think that you’re either short-sighted or you’re not,” says Gary Rodney, an internationally-recognised Fellow of the Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control based in Sydney. “They also see the progression of myopia as being inevitable,…

Optometrist in Sydney Mosman Eye Screening Vision Tests Behavioural Optometry

Why Eye Screening for Diabetics is so Important

It’s certainly possible to lead a full life despite living with diabetes, but being extra vigilant about a range of possible complications that are associated with it will be important. Regular eye exams should be part of a health-conscious lifestyle, particularly for those living with diabetes, says Australian behavioural optometrist and fellow of the International…

Eye Care Clinic Behavioural Optometrist Mosman Sydney Sports Vision Test Therapy

Sports Vision Performance | Smart Vision Optometry, Sydney

Sportspeople are always very focused on their training, and many professional and amateur athletes have come to appreciate the fact that training their eyes can improve their overall performance. The benefits of enhancing visual performance in sports are widely recognised. There’s even an International Sports Vision Association (ISVA). Australian behavioural optometrist and Fellow of the…

Sydney Optometrist Mosman Eye Injury Protection Vision Therapy Myopia Prevention

Your Job and Your Vision: Protecting Your Eyes at Work

After an accident, it’s all too easy to say that workplace hazards should have been handled better. But preventing accidents at work – spotting hazards and countering them before anyone gets hurt – will always be first prize. So says Gary Rodney, a behavioural optometrist who assists businesses with vision-related questions pertaining to the workplace. …

Optometrist in Mosman Sydney Orthokeratology Myopia Control Treatment Eye Clinic

Fixing Vision While Sleeping: Who it’s For and How it Works

Life Without Daytime Glasses | Smart Vision Optometry, Sydney It’s called Orthokeratology, and it involves using contact lenses. But instead of someone wearing contacts by day, says Sydney behavioural optometrist and fellow of the International Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control (FIAOMC), Gary Rodney, they will be wearing them while they sleep.  Orthokeratology, or Ortho-K,…

Eye Care Clinic Mosman Sydney Optometrist Glaucoma Myopia Treatment Sight Tests

The Relationship Between Glaucoma and Poor Sleep

Sleep, and plenty of it, is usually recommended as one of the top ways to help the body and our eyes recover from illnesses and other setbacks.  But it’s not necessarily the right answer for glaucoma, an eye condition which moves from affecting peripheral vision only, to ultimately destroying the ability to see, says Gary…

Optometrist in Mosman Sydney Eye Care Clinic Vision Therapy Treatment Sight Test

New Aussie Tech Development Could Help Give Sight to the Blind

Making use of their own bionic vision technology and neurobionic capabilities, Monash University researchers in Melbourne, Australia, have found a way that may totally change the lives, and the world view, of millions of people currently living without sight. To bring these people back from the darkness towards the light, they’ve developed a cortical vision…

Optometrist Eye Clinic in Mosman Sydney Macular Degeneration Cataract Prevention

Summertime and the Eyes Need Protection

Eye doctors are increasingly concerned about the negative impact on the eyes of ultraviolet light. It’s been linked to higher risks of flash burn (eye sunburn) as well as developing cataracts and/or macular degeneration, serious eye conditions which can lead to blindness. Summer is when the eyes are most exposed to UV light, as well…

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