Behavioural Optometrist Eye Care Clinic Mosman Sydney Children Myopia Prevention
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Myopia Fellow Reacts to Nearsightedness of Survey Responses

Australian optometrist Gary Rodney responded strongly to the results of Australia’s first survey on myopia treatment which showed that more than half the respondents are still only using single vision distance (full correction) glasses to treat myopia in children. And that they are not investigating newer treatments, despite indications that some, like Orthokeratology, are producing…

Optometrist Calls for More Focus on Vision in Children’s Eye Tests
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Optometrist Calls for More Focus on Vision in Children’s Eye Tests

Many optometrists, and Australian parents, are missing a very important factor when testing children’s eyes, according to Australian behavioural optometrist Gary Rodney. By focusing exclusively on eyesight and eye health and ignoring vision skills in scheduled screenings at schools, hospitals and eye clinics, this vital part of the total vision experience was being lost, and this…

Child with learning difficulties. Tired boy doing homework.
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ADHD: My Eyes Won’t Let Me Pay Attention 

Three behaviours generally associated with a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However, did you know that these same three behaviours are very commonly the results of a vision problem? Impulsivity. Hyperactivity. Distractibility. Research tells us children with a vision problem like convergence insufficiency (CI) are a whopping three times more likely to be diagnosed with…

Eyes on Riley

Eyes on Riley

With our newest Smart Vision team member now being 11 months old, we thought it was time to update you on her vision skills. Just like Riley has needed to learn to crawl, walk and talk, she has also had to learn to see. Riley’s Eye Health Story Like all babies, Riley was born with fuzzy…

Gary Rodney IAOMC Fellowship
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How much do we know about myopia prevention?

We are proud to announce that our head optometrist and founder of the Smart Vision Group, Gary Rodney, has sat his exams and successfully been awarded a fellowship by the International Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control (IAOMC) through the Orthokeratology Society of Oceania (OSO). The international meeting with the latest research from around the world in orthokeratology…

choosing childrens eyewear annalises story
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Choosing Children’s Eyewear: Annalise’s Story

As if the day to day trials and tribulations of parenthood aren’t challenge enough, let’s add another into the mix – choosing glasses for your child AND getting he or she to want to wear them.  Children’s Eyewear Choices: Annalise’s Experience With technological advances, there are now more choices than ever before for children’s eyewear…

Two pupils leaning on a pile of books while reading on touchpad
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Is technology destroying our kids’ eyes?

Having watched my two young daughters become obsessed with the iPad has given me a very clear understanding of the insidious danger that technology presents for our children’s eyes. They seem so drawn and motivated by anything that they can devour on the iPad. This simply transfers to computers and other screens as they grow…

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When the Parent Becomes the Therapist

Vision therapy entails a set program tailored to each individual child to help them develop efficient and automatic vision skills, enabling them to perform to their truest potential. Our behavioural optometrists and vision therapists combine their knowledge of the child’s functional and perceptual skills based on optometric and learning assessments to target the specific skills…

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