Dietary Recommendations for Better Eye Health

Dietary Recommendations for Better Eye Health

It’s often said that people eat with their eyes, but no matter how tempting attractively presented meals are, they are not necessarily good for the eyes’ health. Eye scientists, researchers and doctors are increasingly calling for them to eat for the eyes rather than with them, says Gary Rodney, fellow of the International Academy of…

What Can Cause Sudden Blurry Vision

What Can Cause Sudden Blurry Vision

When vision suddenly becomes blurred in one eye, or in both, it’s important to find out why as soon as possible. And in some cases, seeing an eye doctor should be immediate to avoid serious eye problems, according to Australian behavioural optometrist Jacqueline Gattegno of Smart Vision Optometry. She says that although there are a…

How Vision Problems Can Affect Driving

How Vision Problems Can Affect Driving

With an Italian study finding that 60% of car accidents could be linked to vision problems, it is vital that people don’t rely solely on their car’s condition to keep them safe on the road, but also make sure that their vision is capable of meeting the demands placed on it, according to Australian behavioural…

New Aussie Tech Development Could Help Give Sight to the Blind

New Aussie Tech Development Could Help Give Sight to the Blind

Making use of their own bionic vision technology and neurobionic capabilities, Monash University researchers in Melbourne, Australia, have found a way that may totally change the lives, and the world view, of millions of people currently living without sight. To bring these people back from the darkness towards the light, they’ve developed a cortical vision…

Vision Problems and Dyslexia

Vision Problems and Dyslexia

Children with dyslexia and those with vision impairments appear to have a lot in common. Both groups find it difficult to learn motor skills, and although taught how to read and write, they struggle to grasp, apply, or even understand those skills, and therefore struggle to read, learn and perform well at school, as well…

Statistics Tell Horror Story About Vision Problems

Statistics Tell Horror Story About Vision Problems

Statistics gathered by surveys, studies and research into visual impairment paint a dismal picture of a world where one out of three people are not seeing clearly, according to Gary Rodney, Australian Behavioural Optometrist, Master of Optometry and Fellow of the International Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control (FIAOMC). And he says the worst of…

Summertime and the Eyes Need Protection

Summertime and the Eyes Need Protection

Eye doctors are increasingly concerned about the negative impact on the eyes of ultraviolet light. It’s been linked to higher risks of flash burn (eye sunburn) as well as developing cataracts and/or macular degeneration, serious eye conditions which can lead to blindness. Summer is when the eyes are most exposed to UV light, as well…

The Importance of Good Sight and Vision

The Importance of Good Sight and Vision

While sight and vision are often lumped together as being one and the same function, they are really two very different but equally vital processes which enable people to see and understand what they are looking at. They form part of a large number of sub-systems, muscles and organs led by the brain, which when…

Presbyopia: Why and How Vision Changes at Midlife

Presbyopia: Why and How Vision Changes at Midlife

It’s already common understanding that lifestyle may affect both eyesight and vision, especially in children, students and others who do a lot of close work. But it’s known that there’s no “may” with the word “effect” when it comes to vision changes that occur with ageing. Whatever lifestyle is adopted by those at midlife, during…

The Importance of Vision Skills for Learning

The Importance of Vision Skills for Learning

When children go to school for the first time, and every year from then on, a lot of attention is paid to providing them with the right workbooks and other tools considered necessary for learning. But one set of tools, the vision skills necessary for successful learning, is often overlooked in the process, according to…

The Link Between Myopia and Cataracts

The Link Between Myopia and Cataracts

There’s definitely a connection between two of the most common visual impairments, nearsightedness (myopia), which currently affects around 3 billion people globally (and projected to reach 5billion by 2050, and cataracts which already form in the eyes of 90 percent of elderly citizens, as well as in some young children, says Australian master of optometry…

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